Products Digital Art

Wire Alpha - White Base



Use Promo Code: TREASURE

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Create fabulous word art and titles with this white epoxy alpha set. Make sure to check out the Wire Alpha Bundle to take full advantage of the fun customizations that are available!

  • Designed by Jen Martakis Designs (view all)
  • Contains: 1 alpha set that includes 26 uppercase characters, 26 lowercase characters, 10 number characters, and 32 punctuation/symbol characters

Item Details

Create fabulous word art and titles with this white epoxy alpha set. It can be used on its own but is created to use as a base for the Wire Alpha sets in this series. This alpha set includes 26 uppercase characters, 26 lowercase characters, 10 number characters, and 32 punctuation/symbol characters. Alpha is included in both embellishment and Alpha Set (Fancy Font) formats. Make sure to check out the other base alphas, wire alphas and accent embellishments that are in the Wire Alpha series. **Wire Alphas shown in preview are NOT included in this kit, only the base alpha set. They are sold separately or in the Wire Alpha Bundle. For inspiration and some awesome tips and tricks, check out the pixels2Pages Product Webinar on the Wire Alpha Bundle here:

SKU: ARTKIT-K1011-02828

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