Products Digital Art

Vintage Camera Crazy Bundle


Use Promo Code: TREASURE

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Whether you are a professional photographer, love family photographs, are a memory keeper, or love photography, you can't have enough camera-inspired digital art!

Item Details

Whether you are a professional photographer, love family photographs, are a memory keeper, or love photography, you can't have enough camera-inspired digital art! This vintage photography bundle includes various vintage camera and photography photo studio equipment (Canon, Fujifilm, Kodak, Sony, Nikon, Brownie, Zenit, Polaroid, Lubitel, and more), film strips and frames, photography word art, beautiful papers, camera patent stamps, and much more! Elements include movie cameras, accordion cameras, wood cameras, Beau Brownie, box cameras, Brownie Hawkeye, Flash unit, photography point and shoot cameras, disposable camera, photography film boxes, film canisters, filters, flash bar, reporter flash photographer camera, instamatic, magicube, Lancaster Instantograph, photography leather cases, LED Light panel, lens cap, lenses, light meter, pocket film, pocket camera, photography tripod, video camera, waterproof camera, and more! Word art includes after, before, camera, candid, class, click, crop, develop, digital, DSLR, edit, exposure, film, filter, flash, focus, frame, I am a, landscape, lightroom, love, memories, memory keeper, negative, official, oh snap, paparazzi, photo, photographer, photography, photoholic, picture, portrait, positive, print, retouch, say cheese, selfie, shot, shoot, shutterbug, smile, snapshot, story, studio, time, travel, view, vintage, and zoom. The Vintage Camera Crazy Bundle includes Vintage Camera Crazy Elements, Vintage Camera Crazy Blurred Papers, Vintage Camera Crazy Film Frames, Vintage Camera Crazy Film Strips, Vintage Camera Crazy Frames, Vintage Camera Crazy Papers, Vintage Camera Crazy Patent Papers, Vintage Camera Crazy Patent Stamps, and Vintage Camera Crazy Word Art. The Vintage Camera Crazy Bundle is also included in the Camera Crazy Mega Bundle sold separately. Designer: Roxanne Buchholz, Lucky Girl Creative

SKU: ARTKIT-K0004-01780

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