Products Digital Art

Great Lakes Art Journal Cards



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Designed to spark your travel journaling and share your adventures of travel to this region or anywhere, these striking journal cards are sure to help your pages come alive!

Item Details

Designed to spark your travel journaling and share your adventures of travel to this region or anywhere, these striking journal cards are sure to help your pages come alive! Includes 8 unique regionally themed journal cards with and without prompts for 16 total! **This kit is included in our Great Lakes Collection.** Keywords: travel, adventure, see america, earth tones, blue, green, orange, boats, waterfalls, Niagara falls, seashore, sea shore, lakeside, lake side, cliffs, sailboat, sail boat, rough water, breakers, nature stirs the heart and inspires the imagination, follow the call of the water, real freedom lies in wildness, a lake is a landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature, it is earth’s eye, looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature, so lovely was the loneliness of a wild lake, a new adventure awaits us, A Great Lake holds all the mysteries of an ocean and then some, my course is set for an uncharted adventure. Cottage Arts' Designer: Michelle Shefveland

SKU: ARTKIT-K1004-07045

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