Products Digital Art

Fight Like A Kid



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Fight Like A Kid

Item Details

IT IS SUCH A PRIVILEGE to honor the children and their families who are fighting cancer. While we love to scrap about the fun and happy times, the reality is that our lives are also filled with daily struggles - big and small. It?s so important be able to capture and document those memories as well. Fight Like A Kid includes 11 patterned papers, 4 solid papers, a balloon, 3 block words (FIGHT, HOPE, HERO), bow, 3 buttons, 3 flair, 4 flowers, 2 frames, greenery, 3 journal cards, a journal spot, gold ribbon, ricarac, scatter, paint 2 smears, 3 stamps (CURE, FAITH, AWARENESS), 2 trims, 7 word snippets (JUST ONE WISH?, MY HERO, MY ______, FIGHT FOR THE CURE!, HOPE IS INFINITE, CANCER IS NOT, SOME PEOPLE NEVER MEET THEIR HEROES...I GAVE BIRTH TO MINE, IT?S NOT YOUR HAIR THAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL-IT?S YOUR HEART, SOMETIMES REAL SUPERHEROES LIVE IN THE HEARTS OF LITTLE CHILDREN FIGHTING BIG BATTLES) AND 5 unique word stickers in 3 colors each (HOPE, NEVER EVER GIVE UP, #END THIS, MY LITTLE FIGHTER, MY HERO).

SKU: ARTKIT-K0003-02762

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