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Farmhouse Style Complete Collection

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Farmhouse style is all the rage in shabby chic home decor so why not use it in your scrapbook projects for that warm and inviting look.

Item Details

Farmhouse style is all the rage in shabby chic home decor so why not use it in your scrapbook projects for that warm and inviting look. This fun collection includes the page kit, shabby papers, clusters, signs and textured papers. Each piece is available individually or you can get it all in the Farmhouse Style Complete Collection. This purchase is for Farmhouse Style Complete Collection. It includes every piece of the collection. Keywords: farmhouse, rustic, shabby chic, home, sign, signage, wood, wood grain, vintage, farm, farmer's market, windmill, chicken, cow, pig, magnolia farm, market, silo

SKU: ARTKIT-K1019-01720

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