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Collect the new 'Curated Colors' series and have all your colors curated in easy-to-find coordinated color bundles.
- Designed by Lucky Girl Creative™ (view all)
- Contains: 90 Embellishments + 40 Papers + 1 Alpha Set
Item Details
Collect the new 'Curated Colors' series and have all your colors curated in easy-to-find coordinated color bundles. Each bundle includes unique elements, papers, an alpha set, and word art! White embellishments include airplane, geese, goose, dove, swan, horse, bunny rabbit, unicorn, wolf, arrow, car, automobile, baby onesie, beanie, cap, hat, birds, birthday candle, catamaran, book, calendar, camera, chef hat, chef jacket, dress, sweatpants, button down shirt, shorts, tshirt, column, baby crib, cupcake, duffle bag, earbuds, feather, flash drive, flower, hibiscus, magnolia, poppy, orchid, food truck, frame, bar stool chair, bed, cabinet, armoire, couch, sofa, gift bag, present, hat, heart, lace, doile, lamp, lightbulb, lotion, cream, mattress, milk, coffee mug, notepad, ornament, paint splash, pillow, directional sign, sink, slide, smartphone, cell phone, shoe, tennis shoe, sneaker, snowball, spray can, stairs, succulent, sugar cubes, umbrella, viewer, volleyball, and wallet. Word art includes devotion, dream, faith, family, forever, hope, photos, snow, wedding, and winter. Designer: Roxanne Buchholz, Lucky Girl Creative
SKU: ARTKIT-K0004-02884
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