Products Digital Art

Curated Colors Cream Bundle



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Collect the new 'Curated Colors' series and have all your colors curated in easy-to-find coordinated color bundles.

Item Details

Collect the new 'Curated Colors' series and have all your colors curated in easy-to-find coordinated color bundles. Each bundle includes unique elements, papers, an alpha set, and word art! Cream, ivory, and off white embellishments include albatross, bird, kitty cat, Komondor dog, balloons, bandage, ribbon, bow, leaf, branch, candle, cap, hat, cappuccino, cheesecake, column, cowboy boots, cupid, fence, flowers, orchid, wafers, cookies, popcorn, rice crispy treat, to go box, ice cream, white chocolate, furniture, chair, end table, ottoman, present, gift, gravy boat, hand towel, beanie, Panama hat, heart, ice skates, brooch, jewelry, lace doile, leaf, leaves, luggage, suitcase, travel bag, pyramid, milkshake, mittens, gloves, coffee mug, mushrooms, pearl necklace, ornament, oven mitt, perfume, pitcher, casserole dish, pot, pumpkin, purse, octopus, beach sand castle, boo, scrapbook photo album, seashell, shell, slippers, tennis shoes, sneakers, bull horns skull, wool socks, starfish, Buddha statue, statue man, statue woman, storage basket, sweater, telephone, baby girl shoes, umbrella, letterman varsity jacket, wax seal, wedding cake, and basket charger. Word art includes awesome, best ever, happy place, home, hug, snuggle, time, together, travel, and warm. Designer: Roxanne Buchholz, Lucky Girl Creative

SKU: ARTKIT-K0004-02885

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