Products Digital Art

Christmas Wonder Collection



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Inspired by Michelle's hand-painted cardinal and the lovely pine trees on their land, the new Christmas Wonder Collection is filled with holiday beauty!

  • Designed by Cottage Arts (view all)
  • Contains: 16 Papers, 5 Danglies, 6 Enhanced Digital Art Frame Cluster Groups (plus flattened version of each), 3 Scrap.Frames, 16 Word Art Tags and Titles, 38 Embellishments, 1 AlphaSet

Item Details

Save BIG every day on our Christmas Wonder Collection (Regular Retail: $34.94)! Includes Includes Christmas Wonder Papers, Elements, Danglies, Frame Clusters, Scrap.Words and AlphaSet! Savor the awe and wonder of the season with the stunning NEW Christmas Wonder Collection by Michelle Shefveland of Cottage Arts! Filled with richly colored seasonal papers, classic holiday phrases turned into beautiful word art titles, wreathy and ribbony frame clusters, Michelle's signature ornament danglies, an AlphaSet with echoes of Christmas past, plus shimmery numbers... and oodles of holiday elements and tags. Elements include cut-out paper trees, gold and red ribbons, pine boughs, orange slice, tags, borders, birds (cardinal and red dove), brush strokes, star, tape, twine wrap, Christmas word art tags and wreath. Keywords: green, red, gold, orange, cream, Christmas, Christmas Eve, pine, tree, ribbon, tags, orange, twine, frames, ornaments, snowflake, snow flake, danglies, birds, cardinal, dove, Christmas wonder, Christmas eve, the most wonderful time, joyful joyful joyful, a few of my favorite things, magical moments, have yourself a very merry Christmas, alphaset, alphabet, letters. Cottage Arts' Designer: Michelle Shefveland

SKU: ARTKIT-K1004-13677

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